Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) are three critical components that helps measure the sustainability, societal and compliance related risks and opportunities pertaining to the business operations of a company. With a dedicated assessment structure in place, we can assist companies in adopting a holistic approach, thereby measuring business impacts from an overall ESG lens, I.e. with respect to CSR, diversity, equality and inclusion, labour, welfare etc. and further create a refined ESG framework that;

  • Assists the company to tap “Impact Investing Funds” in India & Globally
  • Enhances reputation (beneficial for long-term investments)
  • Provides pre-emptive controls
  • Facilitates global compatibility in the supply chain network
  • Create robust policies adhering to local jurisdictional laws
  • Provides competitive advantage
  • Ensures profitability

Over and above its vast transactional, regulatory and litigation related legacy, the firm is now geared up to provide its clients niche services to put a robust ESG framework for sustained growth in the coming decades. The need to give clients sustainable development over the coming decade is being asserted at all global business forums, including the world economic forum. In India, the firm is the 1st to launch this ESG practice.

Components of ESG Practice

Clients can use these services across all components or only specific components & their business models.

  • Sustainable Finance
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Governance
  • Environmental Liability
  • Climate Change & Carbon Emissions
  • Capital Markets
  • Business & Human Rights
  • Sustainable Workforce & Labour Issues

Our scope of work includes:

  • Conducting ESG assessments both for the principal company and value chain partners. This also can be customised as per the chosen performance standard being asked by the customer and/or the investor.
  • Customisation of advisory services for SEBI BRSR compliance that helps the clients to navigate across various policies, SOPs and numerical data that is needed to sum up the BRSR report.
  • Assisting clients with the management planning by setting up a monthly actionable compliance calendar.
  • Alignment of client’s business operations to the investors with numerous ESG Thresholds.
  • Customise ESG Journey for imbibing of Global ESG Frameworks like SASB, TCFD, IFC etc. so that the Companies can align themselves with various Performance Standards globally as put forth by Customers and/or investors .
  • Implement Statutory & Regulatory Compliance Programs for effective implementation of G part of ESG.
  • Undertake Compliance audits (For Principal & Third Parties), advisory services & provide managed services for compliance management.

The Firm Frontiers

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